Sailing Three is a significant step up. It takes sailing fun to the next level. It is best for kids 10 and up, 12-16 is ideal, and weighing over 90 lbs.

Sailing Three uses our quicker and more demanding RS Zest daggerboard dinghies. With two students per boat, both get tiller time and refine basic skills with emphasis on heel control, the aerodynamics of sails, trim subtleties, proper use of sail-shape controls, and boat-handling efficiency. There is an open-water capsize-recovery drill day when the weather is right. Closely supervised, of course.

Each day the instructors set a closed-course of inflatable buoys for on-the-water drills. Every day’s drills are a bit different. They match and emphasize that day’s shoreside lesson.  The classroom briefing is based on the topics presented in the student manual. It’s a methodical, structured, building blocks approach to teaching with plenty of fun designed in!

Supplementing Sailing Three is the third student manual in our series of Core Curriculum student texts.

Select the blue course ID to learn more and register

Monday – Friday Time Sailing Three
Session 1 June 23
through July 4
9:30 – 12:30 S3 – 1A
1:30 – 4:30
Session 2 July 21
through August 1
9:30 – 12:30 S3 – 2A
1:30 – 4:30
Session 3 July 21
through August 1
9:30 – 12:30 S3 – 3A
1:30 – 4:30 S3 – 3P
Session 4 August 4
through August 15
9:30 – 12:30 S3 – 4A
1:30 – 4:30

Private Lessons

For the undivided attention of an instructor on any vessel in our rental fleet:
By appointment
Call ahead 203-637-2022