WaterCats is a hands-on, off-the beach, multihull experience. Catamarans are the speedboats of sailing. Expect to get wet! We use both 14-foot RS Catamarans and 16-foot RS Catamarans to provide a broad range of experience. Juniors have an opportunity to try both.

WaterCats is ideal for juniors with a limited schedule. It is just one week long. 2 hours per day. Monday through Friday. There is an instructor on board each boat and students are grouped by age.

There is a different destination sail each day to explore local waters while practicing multihull handling technique. Where we go and what we do each day is based on tide and weather.

You will learn how to maneuver, handle the sheets, self-rescue from a capsize, and how to “fly” a hull.

This is not a how-to-sail course. Sailing fundamentals are taught in the Core Courses. WaterCats is intended to be a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, proper learn-to-sail training.

Beginners are still welcome, and will have a lot of fun, but WaterCats does not satisfy, nor replace, any prerequisites in the Core Curriculum.

Select the blue course ID to learn more and register

Monday – Friday Time Class
June 23 – 27 9:30 – 11:30 WC – 11
July 7 – 11 9:30 – 11:30 WC – 21
July 21 – 25 12:30 – 2:30 WC – 31
August 4 – 8 3:30 – 5:30 WC – 41
August 18 – 22 10:00 – 12:00 WC – 51