Adult Core Program Advanced Sailing – Each Course is 2 Weekends – $375 per Course

Advanced Sailing is serious fun, solo sailing off the beach in our fleet of high-performance daggerboard Zests. They are a bit more demanding and will take your skills to a new level. It is a tremendous confidence builder.

You will learn about hydrodynamics and the hull, minimizing resistance, handling wind shifts, helm imbalances, roll-tacking, roll jibing, efficient hiking, and adjusting your trim and helmsmanship for pointing and footing.

In addition to round-the-buoys drills, in Advanced Sailing you’ll also learn some of the fundamentals of fleet racing.

Advanced Sailing is accompanied by the final student manual in our sequential textbook series.

Same as Basic and Intermediate Sailing, it is a 12-hour course, 3-hours per day, scheduled on back-to-back summer weekends to accommodate busy working adults.

Select the blue course ID to learn more and register

Saturday – Sunday Time Class
June 29 – 30
July 6 – 7
9:30 – 12:30 AAV-3
1:30 – 4:30
July 27 – 28
August 3 – 4
9:30 – 12:30 AAV-5
1:30 – 4:30
August 10 – 11
August 17 – 18
9:30 – 12:30
1:30 – 4:30 AAV-6

Private Lessons

For the undivided attention of an instructor on any vessel in our rental fleet:
By appointment
Call ahead 203-637-2022