Adult Core Program Basic Sailing – Each Course is 2 Weekends                             $385 per Course

Basic Sailing is a beginner course. It is scheduled on summer weekends to accommodate busy working adults. Basic Sailing is a 12-hour course. It meets four times. 3-hours each time.  Two Saturdays and two Sundays in a row.

It is an excellent brush-up for rusty skills or filling in gaps from prior less-formal sailing experience.

Starting from scratch, we methodically build a solid foundation of skills. Basic Sailing leads seamlessly to the next course in our progressive curriculum, Intermediate Sailing.

In Basic Sailing you are taught correct nomenclature, rigging, beach departure and landing technique, steering, tacking, jibing, points of sail, sail trim, and sail interaction.  All the fundamentals.

Each day, after a shoreside briefing, we conduct repetitive sailing drills around a course of color-coded buoys. They are strategically arranged to emphasize the target skill of that day’s lesson plan. Each day is a bit different and builds on the previous lesson.

Sailing drills are conducted in our fleet of sloop-rigged centerboard RS Quests. Two students per boat. You divide your time equally between steering and crewing. You learn the skills of both positions.

TPSS has its own series of proprietary student manuals for home study. There is a separate manual for each course. Everything in each course is in the book. Everything in each book is in the course. If you complete the whole curriculum, you’ll collect the entire set for ongoing reference.

Basic Sailing is a solid start, but we recommend continuing on to Intermediate Sailing as soon as you can. The two courses work best in tandem, back-to-back, when personal scheduling permits. Basic Sailing exposes you to all the fundamental skills. Intermediate Sailing consolidates them with further supervised practice.

Select the blue course ID to learn more and register

Saturday – Sunday Time Class
May 31
June 1, 7-8
9:30 – 12:30 ABS-1A
1:30 – 4:30 ABS-1B
 June 14 – 15
June 21 – 22
9:30 – 12:30 ABS-2
1:30 – 4:30
June 28 –  29
July 5 – 6
9:30 – 12:30
1:30 – 4:30 ABS-3
July 12 – 13
July 19 – 20
9:30 – 12:30 ABS-4
1:30 – 4:30
July 26 – 27
August 2 – 3
9:30 – 12:30
1:30 – 4:30 ABS-5
August 9 – 10
August 16 – 17
9:30 – 12:30 ABS-6
1:30 – 4:30

Private Lessons

For the undivided attention of an instructor on any vessel in our rental fleet:
By appointment
Call ahead 203-637-2022