Women’s Weekday Sailing – Each Basic Course is 2 Weekdays for 2 Weeks  $385 per Course

Weekday Sailing is the same as our weekend Basic Sailing. It is scheduled on weekday mornings in early June while the kids are still in school. It’s an opportunity for those with busy weekends to squeeze in some summer me-time fun.

Low-key, off-the-beach, hands-on sailing in our double-handed sloop-rigged Quests.

See Class schedules for dates and time.

Select the blue course ID to learn more and register

Monday & Wednesday Time Class
June 9 & 11
June 16 & 18
9:30 – 12:30 WB-1
Tuesday & Thursday Time Class
June 10 & 12
June 17 & 19
9:30 – 12:30 WB-2